Apple Homekit Apps comparison: Truly filling the Gap

Since the launching of Apple Homekit, a bunch of apps had been released to the Appstore market regarding Home Automation. Here’s a glance of them, before entering the subject, we might add that a good number of these third- party apps fall quickly from contention. After we read an article from Jesse Hollington about smart home Apps we created a chart with Powerhouz on it, to show functionalities one on one and really compare them.

The most reliable apps – according to Hollington – for Home Automation are Home and MyTouchHome. Here’s a chart of  features comparison with Powerhouz:


As we can see on the chart, Powerhouz not only has more features than its competitors, but also has been designed by experts to provide the most fluid and simple experience. All functions are accessible from one single screen with collapsable panels for settings, users, and accessories.

That makes the interface of Powerhouz friendlier than the rest of the apps, here you can see a comparison of how do you see each App and their functionalities:


Furthermore, PowerHouz allows to use triggers based of other accessories characteristics, user’s location, time and even special events like Sunset/Sunrise/Twilight.

These new functionalities are taking PowerHouz to the next level where most Home Automation systems just cannot compete. Merging the iOS technology with Home Automation functionalities allows to finally get to a level of automation and simplicity that is relevant to the users.

For instance, You can now trigger an actions set based of an event (the front door unlocks) and a condition (it is past midnight). Or trigger an actions set using a geofencing trigger (open the garage door when I arrive home).
PowerHouz also added a proprietary function to allow Sunset/Sunrise/Twilight triggers. These are set based of the Home address and the trigger time gets automatically updated every day to keep up with the sunrise and sunset time change.

The funcionalities of Powerhouz can be divided in two big categories:

Native Apple HomeKit Functionalities: – Supports all 26 HomeKit Accessories Types

  • Set up and management of Homes, Zones and Rooms
  • Set up and Management of Service Groups (scenes), Action Sets and Triggers
  • Customizable Names, Icons, Images and sort order
  • Universal App: Working on all iOS Devices including the Apple Watch

Additonal Home Automation Functionalities: – Residents management and communication with presence detection

  • App Shortcuts: Buttons can be added to easily access third party Apps
  • Communication Module: Including Neighbors, Home Services and Emergency Services
  • Security: Customizable emergency protocols

PowerHouz Header

At last, Powerhouz is the Home Automation App that simplifies the Homekit advantages and takes them to a level of comfort, reliability, good looks and high quality standards. Of course you can have other Apps with your homekit, such as the ones we named above, but you should definitely seek for the best.