10 Things PowerHouz does better than any other HomeKit App including the Apple Home App



The Premier HomeKit App PowerHouz has the most advanced set of features on the Market. Here is a list of 10 features PowerHouz does better than any other HomeKit App including the Apple Home App.

  1. HomeKit, HealthKit, Calendar and Reminders Integration
    PowerHouz is integrating in one App all the favorite iOS functions when at home. PowerHouz users are able to access and update Calendars or Reminders and even their Activity and sleeping pattern while having full control of their HomeKit Accessories. All of these functions are fully integrated with iOS so the information can be accessed and updated in or out of PowerHouz indiferently. This level of integration reduces dramatically the need to switch between Apps and set PowerHouz as an ideal Home Portal.
  2. Weather Information Integration
    PowerHouz also integrate Weather Information linked to the Homes Addresses. A user can switch houses and automatically get the corresponding 2 days weather forecast displaying on the Main View.
  3. Security monitoring
    PowerHouz includes a Security Dashboard allowing to monitor a house at a glance and show the status of multiple HomeKit Accessories in real time.
    In case of a significant incident like a window opening, a leak or smoke detection, PowerHouz will wake up the user immediately for him to take action.
  4. Emergency Protocol
    An Automated emergency protocol can help responding quickly to dangerous situations. It includes the activation of a HomeKit Scene (turning on lights, locking doors, etc) as well as instant communication with the Neighbors and Emergency Services. This level of preemptive security combined with active countermeasures is revolutionary for users as it can really make a difference at the time and place of the occurence instead of after the facts.
  5. Night Stand Mode
    At night, the Security Dashboard turns into the ultimate Security Night Stand. Once the Night Stand mode is selected, PowerHouz will execute a scene of the user’s choice (closing doors, turning off lights, turning on the alarm…), it will set itself in a low light dashboard to let the user monitor his entire house and start recording the user’s sleep time in HealthKit.
  6. Tilting Functionality
    By simply tilting an iPhone or iPad on its side, the device becomes a slick and feature rich night stand, Without even the touch of a button, PowerHouz will switch the Night Stand Mode. In the morning, as the user wakes up and picks up his device, PowerHouz will automatically trigger the Morning routine scene, record the sleep time in HealthKit and go back to its regular display.
  7. Residents, Neighbors, Home and Emergency Services Communication
    A Home Portal would not be complete without a communication module. PowerHouz allows to directly communicate with Residents, Neighbors, Home Services (Gardener, Cleaners, …) and Emergency Services.
  8. Residents Presence detection
    A cool function is to allow the detection of the Residents when they connect to the House Wifi. A presence indicator is showing right by the User’s Icon.
  9. Group Alerts
    PowerHouz can trigger group messages to notify residents that Dinner is ready or send a Neighborhood Watch Alert, it will even let you call emergency services with one tap during the emergency protocol.
  10. Single Screen Interface
    With all these features, PowerHouz had to worked with several user interface experts to provide the best Home Automation experience possible. No more endless screens and menus, all functions are accessible from one screen with collapsable panels for Accessories, Users and Settings.

PowerHouz is owned by Zysco (S.Corp):
Founded in 2005 in Southern California by Mobile Computing Experts, Zysco is dedicated to empower the Mobile Generation with Intuitive and sophisticated Applications. With 30 Apps deployed and more than 100,000 paid customers, Zysco is one of the most successful IOS App publisher of Southern California.

Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

For more information please search for PowerHouz on the App Store or contact us at press@powerhouz.app


  1. Jari Becker 8 years ago Reply

    The tips given by you are really good. Resident presence detection is a useful thing. Security monitoring by home automation is a basic need of home. Thanks for sharing wonderful guide.

  2. Sildenafil 8 years ago Reply

    Hello! Cool post, amazing!!!