How to take advantage of technology to educate?

How to catch and keep students’ attention? Which is the best way to transmit them knowledge? Some professors think that use of the Internet and mobile devices are a threat when it comes to student attention/learning. Powerhouz team thinks otherwise; technology offers endless possibilities of teaching and here we will list some of the most amazing ones!

  • Slideshows:

Whatever the topic is being talked about, the main thing is to convert what is exposed in a dialogue in which the students can interact and with which they feel they are protagonists.


  • Task Lists and Notepads:

Online applications may perfectly help students with time management, many of them help with the possibility of interacting with others. We can also use devices like Tablets or Kindles for those duties.


  • Word Clouds:

Wordle makes fun Any word research and its definitions . You can also find word families, since as we said before it is, better that the students become the protagonists of their learning.

  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:

These digital tools can be used to perform experiments or reproduce situations. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality offers a lot of interesting possibilities!

Using technology in the academic environment is not new, however the way in which this technology is used has changed a lot over the years, allowing greater flexibility, efficiency and use of educational resources to offer a higher quality education to the students.

Do not hesitate to use these and any other tool to boost the learning of your child or students! They will be grateful to you!