Aug 2018
Logitech Circle 2 Indoor/Outdoor Weatherproof Camera Review
Buying accessories complying with your HomeKit app can be quite a hunt. A wide array of accessories and brands are available for every control of your smart home. Before making decisions, it is wise to do a little of research especially when it comes to security. Logitech Circle 2 camera is a versatile security camera […]

Aug 2018
Top 10 Siri Home Automation Voice Commands
“What can I help you with?” Siri is an intelligently designed voice command system that comes to life either with a touch of a button or a simple calling, “Hey, Siri”. Siri is most often used for simple tasks like sending texts or emails, making phone calls, or getting driving directions. But the HomeKit app […]

Jun 2018
APPLE TV: Zysco announces its first HomeKit App for Apple TV. PowerHouz TV is now available on the Apple TV App Store
Powerhouz, one of the greatest smart home apps on the Market is announcing its first HomeKit integration with Apple TV, Zysco Apps said. This is the first time that a Smart Home app integrates HomeKit and Communication features for the benefit of every Apple TV owner and Home Automation lover in the country. Once you […]

Mar 2018
Smart Home Devices You Should Look For In 2018
Technology is everywhere, even in our homes, where we can create an intelligent environment thanks to the “Internet of Things”. So, what’s better than starting the year evaluating the possibilities that the Smart Home market has to offer? 2018 is going to be a tech boom! Smart Lock With this technology, you only need […]

Jan 2018
How to take advantage of technology to educate?
How to catch and keep students’ attention? Which is the best way to transmit them knowledge? Some professors think that use of the Internet and mobile devices are a threat when it comes to student attention/learning. Powerhouz team thinks otherwise; technology offers endless possibilities of teaching and here we will list some of the most […]

Dec 2017
10 Things PowerHouz does better than any other HomeKit App including the Apple Home App
The Premier HomeKit App PowerHouz has the most advanced set of features on the Market. Here is a list of 10 features PowerHouz does better than any other HomeKit App including the Apple Home App. HomeKit, HealthKit, Calendar and Reminders Integration PowerHouz is integrating in one App all the favorite iOS functions when at […]

Nov 2017
10 gifts to make your home a ‘smart home’
The smart home revolution is only beginning. It’s largely believed that one day all products in the house will be connected to the Internet and work together — your fridge will send a message to your TV telling you you’re out of milk; the lights will flicker if you’ve left the front door open. But […]

Aug 2017
What Level of Home Automation Is Right for You?
Say “home automation” and some people conjure futuristic-looking controls, invasive wiring, and big budgets. But the world of home automation has gotten easier to install and more accessible, as well as decidedly wallet-friendly. Although budget, time, and needs all come into play, in general there’s something to meet every home automation aspiration. Here are types […]

May 2017
iOS HomeKit App rumor spread. Oh but wait, there is already a standalone HomeKit App!
There actually is a standalone Homekit App, compatible with all of its accesories and that’s Powerhouz. With HomeKit, the automation of tasks can be achieved by using Triggers and in its new version PowerHouz allows to use triggers based of other accessories characteristics, user’s location, time and even special events like Sunset/Sunrise/Twilight. These new functionalities […]

Mar 2017
Apple Store Adds A Few More Items To The Smart Kitchen Menu
While most of the speculation around Apple’s efforts in the connected home center around HomeKit and how the Apple TV will or won’t become a connected home hub, the company continues to make adjustments to the mix of connected products it offers in its own retail storefront. And, as it turns out, the company has put a few […]